Jared L. Hopkins Attorney at Law
Jared L. Hopkins Attorney at Law

Phone: 517.841.6021
Cell Phone: 517.917.0771
Monday - Friday
*Meetings outside of office hours by appointment
205 W. Franklin St.
Jackson MI 49201
I am here to help

Through my practice I will be able to assist you in everything from Civil Infractions, Drunk Driving, and all levels of Felonies.
Let my Expertise in Criminal Law help you.
Other areas include: Expungements of Prior Conviction, PPO's, Probation Violations, Child Custody Disputes and more.
Standing in front of a Judge is something that no one should have to do alone. I have been litigating at all levels of Courts for over seven years. I am an experienced trial attorney ready to work for you. When it comes to your children, your possessions or your freedom, you need a lawyer that can stand in a courtroom and fight.
As a former Assistant Prosecutor I successfully prosecuted thousands of cases at all levels ranging from major felonies like murder to minor traffic offenses. I know when a case is beatable and when the police did not do everything they were supposed to. Let my expertise in Criminal Law help you.
If you need experience and you need someone to fight for your rights, call me.
Jared L. Hopkins